Days like today are crazy, reckless, confusing, exciting and happy all at one time! I live most days wondering what every moment will bring. My mind goes 90 to nothing at all times. To the unseen eye I look like I have everything together and that everything is put together in such a way that life is good. Now don't get me wrong, I have an amazing life and God has blessed me more than he should but I'm not perfect and will never be. I'm a crazy mess of emotions and thoughts. Worries and concerns. Love and hate. Anger and Happiness. Confusion and Perfect understanding. I look out the window in my office a lot and wonder if there is someone out there that is like me. I know there is but you always feel alone with your thoughts. That's what makes them your thoughts. I hold everything in and don't let alot of people into my world. If you don't need to be there then your not going to. I'm protective of those i love! I'm a reckless mess of a little bit of everything. I've seen a lot in my 26 years but really haven't seen anything at all. I know that sounds funny but in my world it makes sense. Ive been judged and talked about, people think they know me but never really do. I'm changing everyday, I learn something new and go with it, I learn something bad and let it go! I spend most days thinking about a million things. People laugh cause I never say on one thought for too long, I cant help it. It few and far between to meet people that can keep up with how many thought I have and ideas I can throw at you in one sitting. Life is just funny that way!! The roller coaster of life is a fun and twisted ride!! Better hang on and just breath!
Coach D
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